Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Gundam Wing Series

Gundam Wing Series

In this series, the main character/pilot is Heero Yuy. Together with Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, and Chang Wufei, their primary mission is to attack and defeat Oz in order to rid the Alliance of its weapons and free the colonies from its oppressive rule. The Gundam pilots each start out on separate missions, only to join up later on while on Earth. Along the way, Heero meets Relena Darlian, the daughter of Vice Foreign Minister Darlian. Relena seems like your average girl until she accompanies her father to outer space while on business. During a meeting, her father and other delegates who were discussing peace were murdered when a bomb disguised as a makeup compact was thrown into the delegation room. Before his death, the Vice Foreign Minister told Relena she was really Relena Peacecraft, heir to the pacifist Sanc Kingdom.
Although the five Gundams succeed in destroying several of OZ's supply bases and mobile suit factories, the sinister organization is still able to complete its ultimate goal of overturning the Alliance and becoming the new ruler of Earth and the colonies. The Gundam pilots attempt to live normal lives, and Relena reassumes her family name of Darlian, and begins work as the new Vice Foreign Minister.